Why someone is bullying on you (NEW)

Let me tell you that the people who bully you are never have your parents who always protect you, taking care on you.
"They wanna have parents like your parents."

Oh dear, you are not weakness.
I know you are afraid of them, but life must go on, right?
Why are you afraid of them? 
You have to be afraid of your God.
Your God will angry on you if you are afraid of them.
"Now, God is still giving you exam to be the next person in God's eye."

You don't realize right?
"Realize, you have a lot of they want."
You have little friends but loyal, having a good parents, having gadget, having a good mark, smart, and beautiful.

Who said I can't bully them back?
I can, but I never do that. It waste my time to reach my success on study.
"They busy bullying on me, and I busy studying to get my success."
"They don't have new university, I get my new university."

You are smart, pretty, beautiful, and you have a handsome richest boyfriend. 
You loyal with your relationship until now.
"They want to be yourself."

So, why don’t you bully them back ?

I know that...

That's the reason,
"I don't bully them back." :)

So, why don’t you bully them back ?

Because I believe I will


So, why don’t you bully them back?
Because I know that
I can buy what they have said to me!

5 Keys When You Bullied by someone :

1.   Having positive thinking why someone is bullying on you will decrease your pain.
2.  Write your dream board, decorate it so beautifully, always read it are the keys to make you become stronger.
3.  Do the best on your path and study are more useful than reply and bully them back.
4.  Try try try hard and show the world that you are fabulous in your path!
5.  Don't forget to say "Thanks God, I'm strong because of your power. Thanks God for all you gave to me." 

So, if you are bullied by someone else now,
FACE THEM and say, 

“I’ll be better and more successful than you are!” 

Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Traditional Music Instrument

Serunai Kalee is a music instrument from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam especially in North Aceh, Big Aceh, and West Aceh. 

Serunai Kalee

West Aceh

Big Aceh

North Aceh

You can play it like clarinet, but it made from wood and has 7 holes to set the tones. In the end of it, there is piece of copper which called “perise” , then there is “klah” (ring) which the layer of brass and 10 pieces of copper tied  in. This klah is useful to make the serunai kalee be strong. Serunai Kalee is usually useful in traditional events and dances to accompany “geunderang”.


Geunderang is made from wood, goat skins, and rattan. You can play it with beating the goat skin on genderang using stick.

Kecapi is like genderang, but made from bamboo and has strings. The shape is like Koto (Traditional Music Instrument from Japan) but you play it with beating the strings using “peugel”. 

Koto (Traditional Music Instrument from Japan)


In Gayo well-known as “Teganing” and in Alas well-known as “Kecapi Olah.” But there is different of them : 

Kecapi has 3 strings,
Teganing has 3 thin strings,

and Kecapi Olah has 4 until 5 strings.

* for the video how to use serunai, you can click this
for the video how to use teganing, you can click this

Rendang, One of Traditional Indonesian Food

Who don’t know Rendang? Rendang is one of traditional food in Sumatra Barat, Indonesia. It made from beef, its colour is brown with the sweet and spicy taste. For the recipe, you can click on Recipe and video tutorial.

You can find this food on Padang Restaurant with the names of restaurant are Masakan Bundo, Restu Bundo, etc.

Rendang is the first of delicious foods in the world, and the second is Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng).

Rendang will be more delicious with these three foods. They are :

First, Sambal Teri Cabe Hijau. The levels of this sambal usually medium spicy, but in some Padang Restaurant, the taste can be really really spicy. For the recipe, you can click on > recipe and video tutorial.

Second, Gulai Nangka. The taste of this are really spicy, hot, and weewww like that. >,< For the recipe, you can click on recipe and video tutorial .

The last is Boiled Cassava’s Leaves (Daun Singkong Rebus). My mom said that if we ate Rendang, we should have ate this because to make our digestion easier to defecate. For the recipe, you can click on recipe

Sebelas dua belas? Bagai pinang dibelah dua? (new)

Hello guys, balik lagi bareng gue, the cutest author in Indonesia, Ellfa.. hehehe :3
Kali ini gue bakal bahas, Sebelas dua belas atau bagai pinang dibelang dua?

Ok guys, kalian sering denger kata,

"Sebelas dua belas?"
"Bagai pinang dibelah dua?"

Ungkapan ini seringkali dipakai ketika wajah seseorang awam mirip atau hampir mirip dengan wajah seseorang yang lain bisa jadi artis atau tokoh terkenal lainnya, guys. Trus, siapa aja sih yang wajah-wajahnya sebelas dua belas atau bagai pinang dibelah dua?

Lets check this out :3
  1. Rabiatul Afifah = Yoona Girls Generation

    Siapa sih yang enggak kenal Yoona Girls Generation? Member yang terkenal wajah cute dan senyumnya manis melelehkan hati setiap jiwa lelaki yang memandangnya itu TERNYATA punya twin di Malaysia lhoh guys.

    Berita ini sangat membuat geger media elektronik dan Soone (fans of Girls Generation) di seluruh dunia. For your information nih guys, Rabiatul Afifah itu juga Soone lhoh. Hmm.. Buat kalian yang penasaran siapa sih Rabiatul Afifah, coba deh follow nih akun :

  2. Irfan Bachdim = Haley Joel Osment

    Lah lah? Kok bisa? Kok mirip gitu sih? >< The author aja bingung kok bisa ya? :3
    Tapi siapa sih Haley Joel Osment? Haley Joel Osment itu pemeran Cole Sear di film The Sixth Sense. Tau nggak? Kalo enggak, Author saranin buka mbah Google aja deh..
    Trus kalian tau nggak Irfan Bachdim itu siapa? Irfan Bachdim itu dulu pemain sepakbola Indonesia, sekarang dia main di salah satu tim sepakbola di Jepang. Jelas tau lah, dia kan keturunan Belanda dari mamanya :3
  3. Luna Maya = Mischa Barton

    Siapa sih yang enggak kenal sama cewek cantik yang khas banget mbak Luna Maya? Cewek kelahiran Denpasar, Bali ini memang terlintas mirip dengan Mischa Barton, aktris dari London, Inggris.
  4. Reza Sri Mulyadi = Bapak Jokowi

    Joko Widodo yang akrab disapa dengan Jokowi ini memang menyihir kita semua. Kebaikannya yang suka "blusukan" ini membuat Jokowi dielu-elukan rakyat Indonesia. Jokowi yang dulunya walikota Solo, kini menjabat sebagai Gubernur DKI Jakarta. Trus, Reza Sri Mulyadi tuh siapa? Pria yang bekerja sebagai buruh bangunan ini memang "benar-benar" mirip pak Jokowi.
  5. Sandra Dewi = Song Hye Kyo

    Sandra Dewi, dara kelahiran Pangkal Pinang ini memang terkenal akan paras dan rambutnya yang indah di iklan Clear Shampoo. Lantas, siapakah Song Hye Kyo? Kalian yang sering ngikutin drama korea terutama Full House pasti taulah siapa Song Hye Kyo. Hihihi :3
  6. Xenna Christian = Taylor Swift
  7. Dan yang lain-lainnya~~

5 Extreme Traditional Dances in Indonesia!

Indonesia well known as a country which have a lot of customs. Start from traditional house, traditional costum, traditional events, until the dances. A lot of dance from Sabang until Merauke. But do you know that in Indonesia there are extreme traditional dances? Maybe some of you have known and wondering what are the dances? Is Tari Piring? Kuda Lumping? Or..

In this post there are 5 extreme dance from Indonesia :

Tari Pedang

This dance is from Lampung. Tari piring is a dance which usually perform at custom events in Lampung and using sword. Why this dance include 5 extreme dance in Indonesia? Because the dancers are men who dancing using sword like people who will battle. (this picture from budaya-indonesia.org)

Kuda Lumping

 In Javanese, kuda lumping well known as Jaran Kepang. Why using jaran kepang? Look at this picture!

Kuda lumping is a dance which usually perform at custom events in Central Java and Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta and using horses which are made from cow skins, buffalo skins, or goat skins. Why this dance include 5 extreme dance in Indonesia? Because : first, the dancers use whip (Indonesia : pecut) to announce people that there is Kuda Lumping perform. Second, the dancers eat glasses, lamp, etc. This section is so harmful for children,but before they perform, they do a ritual.

Tari Piring
In Minangkabau (West Sumatra) , Tari Piring well known as Tari Piriang. Tari piring is a dance which usually perform at custom events in West Sumatra and using a lot of plate and pieces of plate. This dance using 12 knocking steps. Why this dance include 5 extreme dance in Indonesia? Because the dancers are men and women which dancing with stepping pieces of plate. But before performing, they do a ritual.

Tari Ojung Bondowoso
Tari ojung bondowoso is a dance which usually perform at custom events in East Java and using whip which made from cane. Why this dance include 5 extreme dance in Indonesia? Because the dancers are men who hitting each other using whip without getting injured.

Tari Debus Nah! Minangkabau again. In Minangkabau (West Sumatra) , Tari Debus bernama Tari Dabuih Piaman. Tari debus is a dance which usually perform at custom events in West Sumatra and using debus.  Why this dance include 5 extreme dance in Indonesia? Because in this perform, the dancer stabbing the other dancer’s stomach using debus without getting injured, cutting the body without get injured, etc. But before perform, they do ritual.

Those are about 5 extreme dance in Indonesia. 
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